•  We live in a superficial, desensitized, and production-centered society. I choose to dedicate my work in defiance of this normality. Kinesthetically disentigrating artificial manipulations as I search within myself .  I make art to realize what is subconciously unknown to me.  I grow in power from what has been remembered.  I’m mastering a way of being where I  harness my roots and respect nature. As I rebuild potential in what has been lost, the contradictions of society reveal themself. How can I remove the power from this mirage of endless consumption and artificial truths?  If I can dig into the past that has everything to do with our walk with the present, I can weaponize the truth. I believe in the ability of  collective breath and Movement to organize,  gather, and supply hope.  
    We have all we need to be free : spirit, mind, body, soul.  
    Gather energy..
    Set your soul free... 
    instill hope in the fact that...

    There is more. There is more to discover.

    “A Poem About Nothing but a Belief”

  • By: Keisha Janae